Sacadas del libro TrumpNation, The Art of Being The Donald, de Timothy L. O'Brien.
De negocios inmobiliarios.
"Trump told us he was entitled to a $4.4 million commission on the sale according to his contract with Penn Central. But he told us he'd forgo his fee if we would name the convention center after his father --the Fred C. Trump Convention Center," said Peter Solomon, the city official who negotiated with Donald. "After about a month of knocking the idea around, someone finally read the terms of the original Penn Central contract with Trump. He wasn't entitled to anywhere near the money he was claiming. Based on the sales price we had negotiated, his fee was only about $500,000."
De Mike Tyson.
Tyson [...] had a cordial, almost filial, relationship with Donald. When Donald heard Tyson was in his lobby he told his guards to send up his champion thumper.
Tyson sat down in Donald's corner office hundreds of feet above Fifth Avenue and the two men chatted for about fifteen minutes before the boxer got to the point. Donald recalled their conversation in detail.
"Mr. Trump, could I ask you a question?" Tyson asked.
"Whatever you want, Mike," Donald responded.
"Are you fucking my wife?"
"Are you fucking my wife? Everyone's telling me that you're fucking my wife."
Tyson then pulled out a copy of Vogue magazine that featured a picture of Ms. Givens wearing a Trump Princess hat from Donald's yacht.
"Everyone's telling me that you're fucking my wife and I think you're fucking my wife," Tyson said.
"Mike, let me tell you something: I never ever even thought about it. And I heard those rumors and they're disgusting. In fact, I called you a couple of times to tell you that I heard those rumors and it pisses me off. And I never, ever even thought about it. She's your wife, she's with you, she's loyal to you, and it's total bullshit."
(Donald told me years later this his life flashed in front of his eyes during the encounter [...])
Tyson, el hombre que pudo cambiar el curso de la Historia. Oportunidades perdidas hay en todas partes.